Photo Credit: Wong's Bokegraphy

A local car enthusiast had recently purchased a hot hot HOT Lotus Elise and approached BetaCuts to do some touch-up on the striping before they had the entire car treated with paint protection film.

Upon further inspection, the choice of re-doing the full stripe front-to-back became the best option, as long term longevity and preservation was the key detail. A few of the stripes needed some love or were chipped.

Key points: Re-creating a graphic kit from scratch, on a imported sports car is not a simple task. Many hours went into the preparation and application of this graphic, and a few panels needed to be re-done to both please the client, and my own personal meticulous needs.  At times it wasn’t even a wise option to copy the exact placement of the original stripes, as some of them varied in size and placement.

Yours truly enjoying a test drive in the Lotus.

Yours truly enjoying a test drive in the Lotus.

Main image by Jonny at wong’s bokehgraphy



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